PENTENS T-202 is a single component, water based, ready mixed hollow ceramic capsules, acrylic based, coarse textured decorative and protective coating finish over prepared concrete, masonry and steel structures.
As a decorative and protective finish coat of concrete, masonry, cement plaster, stucco and PENTENS Thermal Insulation System.
Exterior and interior applications. Wall, floor, overhead surfaces
Surface Preparation
All the substrate surfaces must be clean, free from grease, oil, laitance, and remove all the dirt and contaminants, which might affect adhesion.
The impurity outside the structure body should be cleaned thoroughly.
Re-stir the mixture before use.
Adjust mix if necessary by adding a small amount of clean water to achieve the desire textured finish.
PENTENS T-202 is meant to be applied as a two-coat system. PENTENS T-202 can be installed with conventional airless spray equipment, brush or roller. Back rolling after spray application is strongly recommended to achieve uniform texture and film thickness.
On concrete roofs: 1~1.5kg/m2/per coat
On facade/vertical: 0.5~1kg/m2/per coat
Actual coverage may vary depending on substrate texture and porosity.
1. Primer is required in areas of extremely high infiltration for better bonding.
2. On areas exposed hot drying winds. 2 to 3 thin coats of paint may be more successful than 1 thick coat..
Tools and equipment just can be clean with clean water immediately, after use. Hardener material can only be mechanically removed.
PENTENS T-202 is non-toxic. For personal precautions, applicators are recommended to wear gloves and goggles when handling PENTENS T-202.
Important Notes
1.Minimum ambient and substrate temperature is 5oC during application and drying period.
2.Do not apply on weather exposed horizontal areas or where immersion in water may occur.
3.Once applied, the working time is up to 20 minutes depending on application methods, tools, ambient temperatures, and surface conditions.
4.Protect installed product from rain, freezing, and continuous high humidity until completely dry.
- Ready to use
- Excellent adhesion and durability
- Excellent weather resistance
- Excellent abrasion resistance
- Good impact strength
- Good flexibility
- Freeze-thaw resistant
- Vapor permeable
- Water resistant
- Corrosion resistant
- Easy to maintain